

Unsure of where to start? No problem.

Here’s an A to Z of symptoms to help you find the right hypnotherapy service…

A to Z of Symptoms

Brain Fog

Brain fog is a state of mental confusion or cognitive impairment, characterized by difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, and a feeling of mental haziness.

Related Concerns:

Compulsive Behaviour

Compulsive behaviour involves repetitive, ritualistic actions or behaviours that a person feels compelled to perform. These actions are often driven by the need to reduce distress.

Related Concerns:

Difficulty Concentrating

Difficulty concentrating refers to the struggle or inability to focus attention on a task, idea, or activity, often resulting in reduced productivity and attention span.

Related Concerns:


Dizziness involves a sensation of light-headedness or unsteadiness, often accompanied by a spinning feeling. It can be caused by factors such as inner ear problems, low blood pressure, or by psychological factors.

Related Concerns:


Fatigue is a persistent feeling of physical or mental tiredness and exhaustion. It can be caused by various physical or psychological factors.

Related Concerns:

Feelings of Aimlessness

Feelings of aimlessness involve a sense of not having a clear purpose or direction in life, leading to a lack of motivation and fulfilment.

Related Concerns:


Guilt is an emotional state characterized by feelings of responsibility or remorse for something perceived as wrong or harmful. It can lead to emotional distress and a desire to make amends.

Related Concerns:


Impulsivity is a tendency to act on sudden urges or desires without considering the potential consequences. It involves making hasty decisions without thoughtful planning.

Related Concerns:

Lack of Motivation

Lack of motivation refers to a reduced desire or drive to engage in activities or pursue goals, often accompanied by feelings of indifference or apathy.

Related Concerns:

Lack of Self-Control

Lack of self-control refers to the inability to manage one's impulses and behaviours, often leading to impulsive actions or poor decision-making.

Related Concerns:

Loss of Concentration

A loss of concentration refers to an inability to focus, pay attention, or maintain cognitive clarity. It can result from psychological various factors and can impact daily life.

Related Concerns:

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem refers to a negative perception of oneself, a lack of self-worth, and a diminished sense of confidence and value. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Related Concerns:

Memory Issues

Memory issues involve difficulties in remembering information, events, or details. Often related more to short-term memory issues, this can be stressful and can lead to an increase in other psychological concerns.

Related Concerns:

Mental Exhaustion

Mental exhaustion refers to a state of mental fatigue, where cognitive resources are depleted, leading to difficulties in thinking clearly and making decisions.

Related Concerns:

Mood Swings

Mood swings are rapid and unpredictable shifts in one's emotional state, often ranging from high to low moods in a short period.

Related Concerns:

Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is the condition of muscles being in a state of tightness or stiffness, creating prolonged discomfort or physical strain.

Related Concerns:


Nausea is a sensation of feeling queasy or the urge to vomit, which can be triggered by various factors physical or psychological.

Related Concerns:

Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessive thoughts are intrusive, persistent, and distressing ideas, images, or urges that repeatedly enter a person's mind. These thoughts can be unwanted and difficult to control.

Related Concerns:

Procrastination/Reduced Productivity

Reduced productivity indicates a decrease in one's ability to efficiently complete tasks and achieve goals. It can result from various factors, including distractions, lack of focus, or emotional challenges.

Related Concerns:

Rapid Heart Rate/Heart Palpitations

This is a state of being where rapid heart rate and palpitations are generally accompanied by physical symptoms like shortness of breath and dizziness. Often a condition characterised by intense fear and overwhelming physical sensations.

Related Concerns:

Reduced Energy

Reduced energy refers to a lack of physical or mental vitality, resulting in fatigue, sluggishness, and a decreased ability to perform daily tasks.

Related Concerns:


Persistent sadness is a prolonged state of feeling down or unhappy, which can be indicative of a low emotional state of mind and anhedonia, or other emotional difficulties.

Related Concerns:


Self-criticism involves a tendency to excessively judge and evaluate oneself negatively. It can result in harsh self-critique and self-blame, impacting one's self-esteem and mental well-being.

Related Concerns:

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is the feeling of difficulty in breathing or a sensation of not getting enough air. It can be caused by various psychological factors as well as increased physical exertion, or underlying health issues.

Related Concerns:

Sleep Disturbances / Broken Sleep

Sleep disturbances or broken sleep encompass a range of sleep-related issues, such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping for too long. These disturbances can have physical and mental health implications.

Related Concerns:

Social Disconnection

Social disconnection is a sense of isolation or estrangement from social relationships and interactions, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and detachment.

Related Concerns:

Unstable Emotional State

An unstable emotional state refers to frequent and intense fluctuations in emotions, making it challenging to maintain emotional stability.

Related Concerns:


Worry involves persistent and excessive thoughts or concerns about potential problems or negative outcomes and can lead to restlessness and tension.

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