Online Hypnotherapy

Online Hypnotherapy

No matter where you are, taking a session with me couldn’t be easier.

These days, through the convenience of secure online platforms like Zoom or Skype, distance is no barrier to get things moving and improving.

Anywhere in the world

Whether you’re on holiday, caught late at work, or it’s one of those days you just can’t make it out of the house, we’ve got you covered.

Solution focused online hypnotherapy is easy to access (as long as you have Wi-Fi/4g), and even preferred by some.

Not only that, you can do it from your favourite comfy chair with a cuppa on the side.

If you’d rather, all sessions can be done this way too – from the initial consultation, through to your last and final hypnotherapy session.

Of course, if you ever feel you want, you can mix and match, and pop into the practice for a face-to-face session too.

There’s no ‘right or wrong way’.

Just what works best, for you.

Frequently asked questions

Please do not hesitate to get in touch or book a discovery call if your question isn’t answered here.

Short answer – Yes!

If you feel more comfortable doing a session from home, then that’s what is most effective.

What’s not effective is feeling uncomfortable in your surroundings, and trying to force progress to happen.

Therapy doesn’t have to be hard work.

Quite the opposite.

It should be simple, clear and as easy as possible, and whether that’s in the practice or online, we always begin with what works best for you, starting with where therapy takes place.

I believe this is a fundamental key to success.


The safeguarding of your confidentiality is of high importance to me, which is why I only use professional, encrypted platforms for your sessions.

All the software you need is free to use, and download links to the software is sent via email each time a session is booked, as well as simple instructions on how to access the connection.

Online sessions run in the usual way – that is, by exploring what you want to do and how you want to feel, beyond therapy.

These key fundamentals of successful solution focused hypnotherapy happen whether we are in the same room or miles apart.

All we need is a decent Wi-Fi/4g connection and we can begin to look at exploring your best hopes from therapy, understanding more about how life would be if you it started to move forward, and how to work through getting there.

Hypnosis online is very simple – after all, wherever you are, when you close your eyes, you could literally be anywhere!

And doing hypnosis in the comfort of your own home can often be more relaxing too – that feeling of being in familiar surroundings has a calming effect on mind and body.

All you need is your laptop speaker, a headset or earbuds and a stable online connection (oh, and somewhere to lie undisturbed, ideally).

Online hypnotherapy is for anyone who wants or needs it.

Whether travelling abroad, living at the other end of the country, or perhaps you find it hard to physically get to the practice, online hypnotherapy is your ticket to a simple and easy way to get your sessions in.

Sometimes online sessions can be the best way to maintain regularity if you’re doing a course of therapy, if you’re on that work trip that takes you to far-off lands.

Or if you struggle a little with outside space, crowds, or public transport, no matter what the reason there’s available session times for you online.

And to the reason why you can’t make it? It’s never questioned.

I know you have your reasons, and that’s plenty enough.

Just bring you!

The great thing about online hypnotherapy is there’s really very little to sort before your session.

Just some method of video communication (laptop/tablet is ideal), a pretty solid Wi-Fi/4g connection, and if you have them, as set of headphones or earbuds.

All the work is done in the session (no homework required!), so just bring yourself along and we start from there.

This is one of the coolest things about hypnosis – you will just know.

In hypnosis, you’ll be in a state of deep rest, but not in a state of deep sleep.

So, you’ll be aware of your surroundings even though you let go of your conscious focus (a little like a deeply restful daydream).

Should the signal disconnect, your subconscious will alert you to an overly lengthy span of silence and you will gently rouse yourself into a more awakened state.

Then we can reconnect online or make a call.

Before sessions begin though we will discuss how to simply reconnect and finish the session should this rare event happen.

Privacy, confidentiality, and safeguarding are the bedrock of good therapy, full stop.

I make sure every online session runs under these conditions.

Headphones help to limit anyone in your environment from overhearing, and a space where you can be uninterrupted and undisturbed is often best.

Only encrypted platforms will be used, and I strictly adhere to all the same ethical, legal, and moral requirements as I do in all my face-to-face sessions.

These codes of practice will be fully and clearly addressed in a simple agreement that we’ll go through before any therapy takes place – and that way you have all the info to hand.

Free software links are available in every confirmation email, along with your connection link for the session.

Zoom can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and as a chrome browser extension.

Skype can be downloaded for Windows and Mac. You can also download mobile versions for Android and Apple.

I always suggest using a desktop, laptop or tablet for your session.

If you can, avoid a mobile phone.

Why? well, simply because there can be so many disturbances; texts, notifications, and calls.

What’s best is a total shutdown of anything that will keep us from what we need to do. It’s important work, and you’re worth the best results.

London Hypnotherapy Clinic Location

9 Coldbath Square, London EC1R 5HL

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

Get in touch

I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

Send a message

If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.