Approach and Outcomes

Approach and advantages

In Solution Focused Hypnotherapy lies an approach which focuses on an achievable way forward.

It’s a therapy that’s both positive in thinking and goal orientated, meaning we spend our time looking at where you are, finding out where you want to be, and building that bridge to get you there.

In doing so feelings improve, emotions are experienced, and behaviours adjust.

A process that’s calming and comfortable, focused on the outcome you would like to see in your life, and helping you take the steps to reach there.

Hypnosis is a time for you to relax; to let go of all that’s outside of you for a short while so your mind can settle, find some clear space for thinking, and seek out a clear and simple path forward.

My approach

My approach to hypnotherapy is a simple one –

Keep things simple.

Life is complex enough, and a way forward with a clear, uncomplicated path can offer someone hope, belief in themselves, and a frame of mind that’s motivated and enthusiastic, able to see the steps necessary to help them towards an improved way of being.

My approach often surprises people.
No deep delving into the past.
No difficult interventions to work through in the session.
No homework.

My aim is to help you think, talk and do things in a different way, to offer you a fresh perspective, and to help you move away from the patterns that have left you in a place of discomfort.

Solution focused hypnotherapy

Therapy, surprisingly for most, can often be light, engaging, and revealing, and solution focused hypnotherapy like other modern approaches borrows from neuroscience – evidence-based research – that shows moving forward doesn’t always mean going backwards into your problems first.

Behavioural change is a bit like riding a bike if you’ll excuse the simple analogy.

It can help to know where you’ve been, but it pays to keep your focus on where you want to go.

The experience of solution focused therapy and hypnotherapy together is a powerful therapeutic combination – it helps you to pause, to assess, to look forward, and to help you find the steps towards a better place, and a happier and healthier you.

Advantages of working with me

Bespoke approach

This is no cookie cutter approach. 

After all, you’re unique.

All your experiences, thoughts, beliefs and practices are so incredibly individual you rightfully deserve a tailored therapy.

There are some similarities in each session, but I treat each time we meet as importantly as the first, and end each one as if it’s your last.


A key factor within progressive therapy is curiosity.

Obvious really, but in the detail of someones words lies a number of keys that can open doors; words that can be used to strengthen a belief in themselves; others that give answers to what they already do well; and some to what’s worked well in their past.

Listening and curiosity, I believe is the best support I can offer to anyone who trusts me with their time.


On the road to becoming a therapist I’ve come to realise how experience in all its forms, adds up.

Thousands of hours of therapy, countless days of training, and a sensitive ear moulded through the personal experience of mental health, no one single element I feel creates a good therapist.

But the sum of all the parts?

Well, I hope that just might.

Measuring outcomes

How do I know if therapy is working?

Well, there are ways, but none more important than what you notice has improved, or is better, since the last session.

In addition, I offer charts showing change and improvements, a line graph to illustrate progress, and a regular look back to what works well.

A clear, simple, and effective system I employ for each client.

Measuring outcomes: How it works

In solution focused therapy there’s high importance placed on you and your needs; your best hopes from therapy and how you would like to be.

Some clients know exactly what they want, while others prefer to explore this within therapy sessions.

By recording how someone feels within each session using a simple 1-20 scale, we can begin to plot changes, notice improvements, and view progression via an easy-to-read line chart.

Below are some examples of charts from previous clients; presenting concerns, goals, and progress over time.

#1 Presenting concerns: depression / brain fog

client directions/goals: relax, confidence, focus

No Data Found

#2 Presenting concerns: grief / anxiety

client directions/goals: happier, freer, confidence

No Data Found

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

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I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

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If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.