About Hypnotherapy

What is hypnosis?

The leading name in science – pioneering researcher and hypno-psychotherapist, Dr David Spiegel at Stanford University – simply states this…

“Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention – a little like looking through a telephoto lens of a camera, shutting off all your peripheral attention.

What you see, you see in great detail, but devoid of context”

When we use hypnosis for the purpose of therapy, we can enter a state of mind where we see ourselves and our lives with that highly focused attention, but without self-judgement.

We see concerns and problems more objectively, from a distance, and we can evaluate situations with less emotion, and seek out solutions to those issues.

Of course this all happens subconsciously, meaning we’re unaware of all this happening while we’re in a relaxed state of quiet rest.

When combined with therapy this can be a powerful, natural tool, helping you to accelerate progress towards your preferred way of being.

The added bonus?

Hypnosis is very relaxing, and included with your sessions will be free tools to practice self-hypnosis at home.

The nervous system is soothed.

The fight/flight volume is dialed down.

And you’re left with a calm and peaceful frame of mind and body.

What is solution focused therapy?

Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a goal and direction-oriented approach helping clients create change in their ways of thinking and their behaviour.

It’s a gentle and highly effective therapy that focuses on how you would like to be, today, tomorrow and beyond therapy, and importantly it looks at achievable and manageable steps to get there based on your existing circumstances.


What is solution focused hypnotherapy?

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a potent combination of these two approaches.

When we begin to look at your achievable preferences, you automatically start to reprogram your mind in a new and improved direction, guiding your thinking and observations towards a better you. 

We’ll start to work through your realistic and importantly, manageable ideas (overwhelm has no place in the plans here), and we’ll dive into your imagined details of how life would be when you improve, thus promoting more positive and future focused thoughts.

This assists in opening the mind to possibility, and turns the possible, into the probable.

The outcome

A renewed sense of optimism, an improved feeling of hope and possibility, and the beginnings of a mind map to guide you along your way.

All achieved while you were asleep!

Frequently asked questions

Please do not hesitate to get in touch or book a discovery call if your question isn't answered here.

In any therapy, there is no set number of sessions that suits everyone.

Through taking hypnotherapy sessions, I would hope you experience something of an immediate response in some way.

Additionally, to potentially accelerate progress, there are a few helpful factors that may be a catalyst for change.


– a constant level of engagement within the session

– maintenance of consistency beyond the therapy room

– a high degree of hope and expectation

Beyond any possible initial improvement, we’d be hoping to see a notable change within 3 to 6 sessions and a significant and lasting change between 6 and 12 sessions.

Of course, should you want, you can continue with sessions if you feel you are continuing to make further progress, or alternatively if you wish to look at new directions.

No approach or therapist can guarantee how long therapy will take, or what the outcomes will be.

I do however offer a simple method to measure outcomes so that we can observe your progress regularly and monitor what may be having the greatest impact.

I also guarantee to offer you my every effort, alongside my knowledge and experience, to help move you towards where you would like to be in the briefest time.

The cost of hypnotherapy is determined largely by location, and experience.

Central London prices for a professional hypnotherapist range between £100 to £400 per session

Smoking cessation hypnotherapy courses range between £200.00 to £500.00 approx.

The price at London Hypnotherapy is £150.00* for a single hypnotherapy session and for initial consultations.

Promotional reductions are available every 3 months

*Reductions for NHS staff and full-time carers are available throughout the year


Online hypnotherapy is something I’ve been offering for many years, even before the pandemic!

Access is simple and the outcomes are as effective as face-to-face sessions.

This option also allows for people who struggle with agoraphobia, have difficulty using public transport or driving, or have a physical disability that may prevent them from coming to the practice.

Read about Online Hypnotherapy for more information.

I run a practice room In Clerkenwell, EC2, which is serviced by underground and rail stations, and numerous buses.

The closest stations are

Farringdon – (circle + district) 0.5 miles
Chancery Lane – (central) 0.5 miles
Angel – (northern) 0.7 miles
Kings Cross – 0.9 miles

And bus routes 63, 38, 19, 243.

The practice is set in a peaceful courtyard where you can sit when the weather is good, and a waiting room with toilet facilities.

Hypnosis is a highly focused state of attention, and it’s considered you are therefore in a greater, and not lesser, state of control.

Hypnosis is a natural frame of mind that, to some degree, anyone can enter during the day, by removing all distractions and losing themselves in the task at hand.

Willingness is the key to successful hypnosis – for you can only experience hypnosis if you choose to.

The time spent in hypnosis in your session (10 – 20 minutes), is really not long enough to feel drowsy for any extended period following your hypnotherapy session.

Plus you’ll take a few minutes at least to get into the land of nod, so really we’re talking 10 – 15 minutes give or take.

Drowsiness is considered to happen when we enter into a state of sleep inertia, which is generally experienced beyond 24 minutes (as per NASA report c.1995)

Often people remark how much more alert they are following a session, and the NASA report also states alertness can actually increase by approx. 50% after a nap.

But before you leave the session we will always engage in conversation to bring you back into full consciousness.

London Hypnotherapy Clinic Location

9 Coldbath Square, London EC1R 5HL

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

Get in touch

I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

Send a message

If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.