Hypnotherapy Near Me

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Affordable hypnotherapy near you

Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to tackling life’s challenges by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. It’s not about swinging watches or theatrics; it’s about empowering you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Picture a life where stress fades away, where unwanted habits lose their grip, and where confidence grows. That’s the real potential of hypnotherapy.

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, struggling with habits you’d like to change, or seeking to boost your self-esteem, hypnotherapy provides a gentle yet effective path forward. Through relaxation techniques and focused suggestion, we can work together to rewrite the patterns of your subconscious mind, paving the way for a brighter future.

Ready to take that first step? Why not book your free discovery call today? Together, we can begin to explore the possibilities and create real and lasting positive changes in your life.

Nick Bullock


Hi, I’m Nick – I’m a Hypnotherapist and Solution Focused Therapist helping people who struggle with many different concerns and disorders to live a happier, healthier life.

If you’d like to find out if I can help you too, feel free to get in touch at anytime – I run a practice in London and online and you can book a free discovery call with me, today.

Book a free discovery call
I offer a free, no-obligation phone call to talk through your hopes and needs and go through how I may be able to help.
Please feel free to access my call calendar and book your free discovery phone call online simply and easily today.

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Select Category
Select Service
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Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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Date & Time
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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

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Date & Time
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Wondering if hypnotherapy can really make a difference? Read what my clients have to say about their experiences.
"I was really struggling with bad anxiety. I felt like my world was slowly falling apart. I just wanted to feel "normal" again. I had always been very reluctant to get help but eventually knew I needed to see sometime. I booked my first appointment with Nick. I met Nick and he made me feel at ease right away. Nick made everything seem so simple and yet it was so powerful and even after my just my first session I left feeling inspired and that it was possible to feel good again. I continued to see nick and my progress was remarkable. I will always be so grateful to Nick for helping me to return to the positive happy person I used to be and wanted to be again."
Pyth Wia
7 months ago
"Nick is truly exceptional. Struggling with job interview anxiety and self-esteem challenges, I found his easy going demeanor and attentive listening incredibly reassuring and quickly felt comfortable. Nick helped me uncover and address the root causes of my struggles, arming me with effective tools and techniques to manage anxiety and rebuild my confidence. After working with Nick for a couple months, I successfully secured a job I previously thought was out of my league.
My sincere appreciation goes to Nick for his expertise and the transformative impact he's had on my life."
4 months ago

Case studies

In this section are a few client studies showing some of the various concerns I have helped people deal with and move on from, and how my approach is tailored to each individual’s needs and wants on the day.

From my notes taken during and after the sessions, I hope to have created a brief overview of each person’s journey, giving you an idea of how the conversations during that hour helped guide each session, and altered the path each person took, explained through their words, as they moved beyond therapy.

All names have been altered for confidentiality, and permission was granted by each person concerned.

How to book

It's easy to get started - choose the service you would like to book and select Clerkenwell or Online
Consultation Therapy Session (London)

75 Minute Session
Clerkenwell Hypnotherapy Clinic

Book a Free Discovery Call

An informal 1-to-1 phone call to discuss your needs


Get in touch

I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

Send a message

If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.