Consultation therapy session

Initial Consultation - part l

In the first part to this consultation we’ll begin to look in greater detail at your best hopes from taking hypnotherapy should you wish to do so, discussing your aims and goals, and starting to understand more about the directions you would like to see improved.

We’ll discuss Solution Focused Therapy, what to expect, and how you can reach your preferred outcomes, and we’ll dive into the understanding of hypnosis; how it works, and the benefits that can be experienced through its practice. 

It’s also a time where you can ask any questions you may have, and hopefully I can offer you some answers too.

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

Solution Focused Therapy - part II

The second part to the consultation is where we’ll engage in the practice of Solution Focused Therapy.

This is intended to help you leave this session already on your way to creating the change you’d like to see.

Another advantage is that we can then launch straight into your first session as soon as you walk through the door, already knowing what you wouyld like to achieve.

Additionally, we’ll talk through how you can access and use my hypnosis recording to practice at home and continue to further the changes we began in the session.

Should you wish to take further sessions we can discuss the most convenient and suitable way for you to do so, whether that be at my Clerkenwell practice, through online hypnotherapy, or if you prefer, a combination of both.

Book a free discovery call
I offer a free, no-obligation phone call to talk through your hopes and needs and go through how I may be able to help.
Please feel free to access my call calendar and book your free discovery phone call online simply and easily today.

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Select Category
Select Service
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Duration: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}

Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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Date & Time
Time Slot
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Date & Time
Time Slot
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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_firstname }} {{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_lastname }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_email }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
Date & Time
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }} - {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
Appointment Details
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_start_time | bookingpress_format_time }} - {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_time | bookingpress_format_time }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
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