Work-Related Stress Hypnotherapy: Regaining Control and Restoring Work-Life Balance

Work-Related Stress Hypnotherapy: Regaining Control and Restoring Work-Life Balance

All case studies are presented with the individual's consent, and names and identifying details have been altered to protect privacy.

In this case study, we explore how Joe, a self-employed tradesperson, overcame overwhelming frustrations and decision-making struggles through work-related stress hypnotherapy. Battling constant worry, physical exhaustion, and strained relationships due to work pressures, Joe sought a way to regain balance and improve both his professional and personal life. His experience highlights how hypnotherapy can help individuals manage stress and reclaim control over their wellbeing.

Joe worked as a self-employed tradesperson and approached hypnotherapy sessions with the need to gain better control over his increasing frustrations and to improve decision-making, having struggled with bouts of brain fog over the past year. Experiencing a high heart rate resulting in palpitations and hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), Joe was still able to work but lived with constant underlying feelings of dread and worry, struggled to get into the day, was always late to appointments, and felt physically drained and mentally exhausted at the end of the day.

Joe had become increasingly frustrated with the ever-demanding and immediate needs of customers, which he found difficult to manage. This led him to work longer hours to mitigate potential issues, leaving him with little family time and a lack of presence when time could be found. This increased the strain on his relationship and he felt guilt over the lack of quality time with his two young children.

Upon starting sessions, it became clear to Joe that he was ignoring necessary paperwork and general organisation of work. During the initial sessions, he focused on creating a more manageable structure that he could cope with at that time. He established some firmly boundaried time at the weekend in the short term to get “up to date” and relieve some of the pressure from the backlog of organisation.

Hiring a helper freed up more time to work “on the business” instead of “in the business,” and he began to slowly increase the number of preferred customers, and importantly, to say ‘no’ to over-demanding work that could have a negative impact moving forward. Once firmer boundaries had been established, Joe spent more time at home and less time thinking about work, eventually taking a few regular days off to spend more quality time with his family.
