Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: A Path to Balance and Confidence

Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: Navigating the Pressures of Success and Personal Wellbeing

All case studies are presented with the individual's consent, and names and identifying details have been altered to protect privacy.

In this case study, we explore how Terri, a senior professional grappling with overwhelming work anxiety, transformed her life through work anxiety hypnotherapy. Struggling with neglect of her personal well-being and heightened stress, Terri sought a path to regain balance and confidence. Her journey highlights how targeted hypnotherapy can help individuals manage work pressures and enhance overall quality of life.

Terri came to therapy wanting to do something about her anxiety. Holding a senior-level professional position, daily pressures were becoming overwhelming, and she felt her personal life had been put “on hold” due to the constant pressure to deliver. Terri was experiencing increasingly high levels of worry and extreme fatigue and had developed a sense of hopelessness, which she felt was due to letting go of once-loved personal care routines and fitness goals.

After deciding to seek help, Terri came to the initial consultation after being referred by a friend I had seen previously. At the time, she had little understanding of how hypnotherapy worked. Early in that consultation, we discussed what she would like to get from sessions going forward, and Terri expressed the need to create firmer boundaries around increasing work demands and to reduce lifestyle behaviours that limited time for healthier alternatives.

During sessions, Terri focused on putting her own personal health needs at the forefront, doing so at a gradual, manageable, and sustainable pace that suited her ability at that given time. As Terri made progress, her confidence began to improve, and her efforts became more driven due to increased motivation from the changes she was making. These small changes became more regular, and she started to enjoy the way she looked physically, giving her the added enthusiasm to go further.

In time, Terri became more aware of the lack of value and support her existing place of employment offered and began to look for better alternatives. Eventually, Terri was headhunted for a more senior position that not only offered more money but also a more supportive culture with greater opportunities for promotion.
