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Health Anxiety: Navigating the Obsessive Grip of Wellness Worry

Health Anxiety is often a debilitating experience.

It’s a concern that’s characterised by experiencing a persistent and prolonged fixation with physical health, either someone’s own, or the health of others, leading to a heightened level of distress.

It can wind its way into everyday thinking, and may even become obsessive; thoughts spinning wildly with all the worst-case scenarios that can be imagined.

Eventually, the constant worrying can bring about physical issues too.

Excessive durations of anxious thinking can begin to manifest not just in the mind, but in the body as well; raised heart rate, overheating and sweating, nausea and sleep issues to name a few, all of which can begin to create secondary issues of their own.

And then up pops the negative feedback loop, which can bring about a ‘confirmation bias’; an “I knew I was ill” thought pattern, even though it may well have been the excessive worry that kicked it off in the first place.

Or… nearly.

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I say nearly because there was more than likely a cause, or to be even more truthful, causes, that raised someone’s general levels of anxiety, and the ‘over-concern’ of health was the unwanted and uncomfortable direction things decided to go in.

Of course, we can all experience anxious thoughts, those scary moments that get the blood pumping, the stomach-churning, and the throat so dry you can barely even drink water, let alone swallow food or medications.

And none of us are immune to the experience of an extended period of anxiety, when a situation – such as bills to be paid and no bank in the bank – looms over us in the days ahead.

Fears, worries, dread.

Obsessive online searching for answers

And all at 3am, of course.

I mean, why do this at a reasonable hour.

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Now none of us get to choose the outputs of prolonged anxiety, those pathways that our thinking can go down if we don’t get on top of things pretty damn quick.

And if you’re unlucky enough to be dealt the pathway of Health Anxiety, this often manifests as a heightened sensitivity to bodily sensations, leading people to obsessively search for signs of illness or disease.

This is not just the worry about our own bodies; this can be excessively worrying about the health of loved ones we care about too.

So it comes from a place of self-care (our own health), or kindness (concern about others), but as Health Anxiety becomes more excessive, it can become obsessive.

The worry goes on and on, no stop seemingly in sight, and the symptoms worsen.

While a certain level of concern for our own health is natural and necessary, and the concern for others is both supportive and caring, for those struggling with health anxiety, these worries can become all-consuming, can significantly impact thinking, and subsequently can diminish quality of life.

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The Struggles and Symptoms of Health Anxiety

Now it’s always good to go to a specialist to get things checked out. Really. Please do go.

But if the all-clear comes back and the thinking persists, then we may be talking about the need to look at the mind being the culprit.

Here’s a few of the symptoms someone can experience with Health Anxiety:

– Persistent fear of having a serious medical condition, despite a lack of clear evidence

– Excessive checking of the body for signs of illness

– Constant research and obsessive self-diagnosis

– Frequent visits to healthcare professionals, seeking constant reassurance

– Avoidance of certain activities or situations due to health-related concerns

– Difficulty concentrating on tasks due to intrusive health-related thoughts

– Disrupted sleep patterns and increased stress levels

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The Connection Between Heightened Stress and Health Anxiety

Health anxiety and heightened stress levels often go hand-in-hand.

The persistent worry about health can lead to a state of chronic stress, which can have a significant impact on both mental and physical well-being.

This stress can manifest in various ways, including muscle tension, headaches, and a weakened immune function, further exacerbating the individual’s health concerns.

– Muscle Tension

Muscle tension can lead to a feeling of tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in the affected areas, limiting mobility and causing pain, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks comfortably.

– Headaches

Experiencing headaches can induce a throbbing, aching, or stabbing sensation in the head, which can range from mild to severe. This can impact focus, productivity, and overall well-being.

– Weakened Immune Function

A weakened immune system can leave an individual feeling more susceptible to illness and infections, resulting in a general sense of fatigue, physical vulnerability, and difficulty fighting off even minor ailments.

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Self-Care Strategies for Managing Health Anxiety

Addressing health anxiety requires a multifaceted approach, with a focus on self-care and stress management.

Self-Care ideas are FREE, and can generally fall into a ‘can do now’ bracket, which makes them all the more important. These may be easier for some than others, so if you feel that you’re someone who can struggle a little with self care, pick one, break it down into manageable, micro steps, and do your best to dip your toe in the water.

Often, is the key here.

And remember, we’re not aiming for something MASSIVE that feels great on day one even though you may want that to be the case. Instead, keep in mind that Little And Often Is The Best Laid Plan.

Some effective self care ideas include:

– Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga

– Engaging in regular physical activity (but not ‘over-activity!) to release tension and improve overall well-being

– Prioritising a healthy sleep routine to support the body’s natural healing processes

– Seeking support from mental health professionals such as a therapist (yep, this is an unashamed self-plug for my services 🙂

– Limiting exposure to health-related information that may trigger anxious thoughts (Google is not always your go-to best friend in this instance!)

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Unresolved Health Anxiety: How the Body Takes the Punches

If left unmanaged, health anxiety can have significant physiological consequences.

This one is BIG, and really one to get ion top of as best you can. Because stress leads to a weakened immune function which can means all manner of nasties can get in through the front door of your health system. This is that damaging negative feedback loop; increased stress – affects immunity – which increases worry –  which increases stress – which affects immunity – and around and around we go.

Limit this loop and the cycle can begin to reverse.

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Reducing General Stress to Manage Health Anxiety:

Addressing the underlying stress that contributes to health anxiety is crucial for effective management.

By implementing stress-reducing (and yes, ‘stress-removing) strategies, individuals can not only alleviate their health-related worries but also improve their overall well-being. Techniques such as mindfulness, exercise, and social support can be particularly beneficial for most people.

The Gains of Managing and Improving Health Anxiety:

By addressing health anxiety, implementing effective coping strategies, and finding ways to move on and away from persistent anxiety, individuals can experience a range of benefits.

Some of these include:

– Improved emotional well-being, calmness, and motivation

– Enhanced physical health and a stronger immune system

– Increased productivity and focus

– A greater sense of control and logical, rational thinking

– Stronger, closer relationships and social connections, and a greater ability to engage with others

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Health anxiety is a concern that can be controlled, reduced and removed to a point that it is rarely even a thought any more.

With a little self-care and the support and guidance of a trained professional, health anxiety could soon become a thing of the past.


If you would like to speak with Nick about how he can help you move on from Health Anxiety, click here to organise a free chat.

Contact Nick




Links and Sources:

  1. American Psychological Association. (2020). Health Anxiety
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Health Anxiety Disorder
  3. National Institute of Mental Health. (2019)
  4. Riskind, J. H., & Rector, N. A. (2018). Looming vulnerability and the relation between anxiety disorders and comorbidity: A focus on generalized anxiety disorder. In Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders (pp. 63-78). Karger Publishers.
  5. Tyrer, P., & Tyrer, H. (2018). Health anxiety: detection and treatment. BJPsych Advances, 24(2), 129-137.

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