online therapy

Counselling Through The Practice Of Solution Focused Therapy

Counselling? CBT? Existential Therapy? Hypnotherapy?

Let’s be honest, therapy can be a bit of a minefield.

With so many different approaches out there, it can be tough to know which one might be the right fit.

Many ‘traditional’ talking therapies out there work wonders for the right person at the right time, and as someone who believes in every therapy (whatever works, wins), counselling can be a fantastic approach for someone looking for, well, counselling.


The Many Faces of Counselling in the UK

When it comes to the world of counselling and mental health support in the UK, there’s a whole lot more going on than meets the eye.

It’s not just a one-size-fits-all kind of deal – there are actually quite a few different approaches and specialities out there.

The term ‘counselling’ in broad terms, refers to a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with feelings and emotional issues. Sometimes the term counselling is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counselling is also a type of therapy in its own right.


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Let’s take a look at 5 of the most common types of counselling you might come across:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – This one’s all about exploring the connections between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The idea is that by becoming more aware of these links we can start to make positive changes. It’s a very practical approach, focused on the here and now.


  • Psychodynamic Therapy – This type of counselling dives a little deeper, looking at how our past experiences and unconscious thoughts might be influencing our current struggles. The aim is to bring those underlying issues into the light so we can work through them.


  • Humanistic Therapy – The focus here is on self-actualisation – reaching our full potential as human beings. It’s a very person-centred approach, based on the idea that we all have an innate drive towards growth and fulfilment.


  • Person-Centred Counselling – Similar to the humanistic approach, person-centred counselling puts your individual needs and experiences at the heart of the process. The therapist acts as a supportive, non-judgemental guide as you explore what’s going on for you.


  • Couples Counselling – When relationship troubles arise, couples counselling can be a game-changer. It provides a safe space for you and your partner to work through conflicts, communicate better and strengthen your bond.


The world of counselling is broad and diverse, so don’t worry if you’re not sure where to start. The most important thing is finding an approach that feels right for you, perhaps just in the text you read about it, and then creating a trusting connection with your therapist.


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What To Do, If NOT Traditional Counselling

What happens when traditional counselling doesn’t click?

If you’ve tried traditional counselling or talking therapies in the past and felt like it just wasn’t working for you for one reason or another, or perhaps you just don’t feel one of these  above is the right fit, you might be wondering if there are other options.


Enter… Solution Focused Therapy

Working on what works…

Counselling someone through the approach of solution focused therapy is a refreshingly different approach for some. It focuses on strengths and what’s working or has worked well in the past, rather than dwelling on the negative problems and concerns that perhaps brought you to the therapy room that day.

So, rather than focusing on the anxiety, feelings of depression, or perhaps the angry outburts you may have been experiencing, it’s about recognising those concerns and then spending time looking at how life would be if they weren’t plaguing you as much – at life beyond therapy.

It’s all about identifying the direction you want to head in, your aims and sometimes your goals if you have some, and discussing how you could create thoughtful, helpful and practical steps towards where you would like to be.


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The Differences (in a nutshell)

Traditional Counselling

Traditional counselling can be incredibly valuable for many people. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and there are a few common limitations that you might have experienced:

  • It’s often focused on the problem
  • The pace can be deliberate (or for some, slow), with lots of time spent analysing the issue
  • There’s often a heavy emphasis on the client’s past experiences and childhood
  • Depending on the therapist and the approach, some people have said it can feel like you’re just talking in circles without much practical progress


The Solution-Focused Approach

Here are a few key things that set this approach apart:

  • It’s future-focused, not past-focused
  • The emphasis is on solutions, not problems
  • It’s a collaborative process between the therapist and client
  • It’s generally shorter-term than traditional counselling
  • It aims to help self-supportivness, to help you feel empowered and in control of your own progress, rather than feeling like you’re a passive participant in the process.


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How Does it Work?

So, what does counselling someone through a solution-focused therapy session actually look like?

Here’s a quick overview:

  • We’ll start by identifying ‘what you want’ and ‘how you want to be’ (instead of focusing on what you don’t want anymore or how you don’t want to feel) – what do you want to achieve through the process?
  • We will then help you explore times when you’ve already experienced success or progress, even if it’s in a different area of your life.
  • Together, we’ll begin to build on those successes and identify the small, achievable steps you can take to move towards your goals, and how it would look when you notice those changes are happening
  • We’ll keep our focus on your present and future, not dwelling on the past.
  • You’ll be supported and encouraged throughout your sessions, but you’ll be the one driving the process – the intention after all is to strengthen your self-sufficiency so that you can live your life beyond therapy

The beauty of this approach is that it’s highly adaptable – it can be used to address a wide range of issues, from relationship challenges to career goals to anxiety to fibromyalgia to insomnia, and more.


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Ready to Give it a Try?

Therapy is a collaborative process – you’re the expert on your own life, and my aim will be to guide and support you to make the progress you would like to see.

Embrace the journey, and who knows where it might lead you.


If you would like to know more, please feel free to get in touch at any time by booking a free discovery call with me over the next few weeks, and we can chat further about what you would like to achieve through sessions.





Charities that offer Counselling include:

  • Cruse – for bereavement advice and support
  • Rape Crisis England & Wales – for anyone 16 years old and over including family and friends, who has been affected by rape, sexual abuse or any other form of sexual violence
  • Relate – for relationship advice and counselling
  • Samaritans – for people to talk about whatever’s troubling them at any time
  • Victim Support – for victims and witnesses of crime
  • Childline – for children and young people under 19 years old


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