Insomnia Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy in Clerkenwell | Farringdon | King's Cross | Angel
Frequent symptoms of insomnia:
  • Feeling tired or fatigued
  • Increased irritation or frustration
  • Hard to focus and concentrate on tasks
  • Low performance and increased mistake-making
  • Short-term memory issues

Insomnia Hypnotherapy London

Insomnia nights are hugely demanding physically and emotionally.

Some nights just won’t settle; others so hard to get to sleep it drives you mad; many, waking often through the night.

And how insomnia can affect your days too… snappy, tired, fatigued, and left worrying about the night to come before the day is halfway done.

Insomnia is one of those all-consuming concerns that can damagingly affect everything you do, all that you feel, and can negatively affect most of what you think too.

Nick Bullock


Hi, I’m Nick – I’m a Hypnotherapist and Solution Focused Therapist helping people who struggle with many different concerns and disorders to live a happier, healthier life.

If you’d like to find out if I can help you too, feel free to get in touch at anytime – I run a practice in London and online and you can book a free discovery call with me, today.

How can hypnotherapy for insomnia help?

By working through the simple structure outlined in solution focused insomnia hypnotherapy we’ll begin to settle your nervous system to create a calm and relaxed state for you to feel more physically rested.

During this time, we’ll address the key concerns that may be creating a cognitive imbalance.

Through making small changes, you can begin to move towards a more settled, peaceful frame of mind able to engage with the relaxed state required for on-going peaceful nights and symptom-free days.


How hypnotherapy for insomnia works

Through hypnosis therapy for insomnia, I’ll immediately begin to help you focus on shifting your mindset to ‘how you want to be’, and guiding your thinking to be more ‘solution-focused’, rather than ‘problem free’, helping you become more focused on improved outcomes beyond the negative symptoms you’re experiencing.

This subtle shift in outlook is designed to help you look more towards the life you want whilst exercising a more optimistic and positive mindset, so that you can begin to use your time and energy in moving forward towards calmer and more enjoyable, symptom-free days.

What to expect with hypnotherapy for insomnia

With the practice of insomnia hypnotherapy, your mind will begin to bed in these changes you would like to see at an accelerated rate, leaving you feeling calm and peaceful, yet keenly focused in the days ahead on your preferred future.

Book a free discovery call
I offer a free, no-obligation phone call to talk through your hopes and needs and go through how I may be able to help.
Please feel free to access my call calendar and book your free discovery phone call online simply and easily today.

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Benefits of hypnotherapy for insomnia

Do you find yourself tossing and turning night after night, unable to find the restorative sleep your body craves? Insomnia can be exhausting, debilitating, and can promote deeply negative thinking, seriously affecting every aspect of life. Through hypnotherapy for insomnia in London, I help people find restful and restorative sleep filled nights by unravelling the key concerns that can create sleep disturbances in order to promote deep, rejuvenating rest.

If you’re considering hypnosis therapy for insomnia in London but are uncertain about its effectiveness in improving your sleep patterns, let’s look further into the many additional benefits hypnotherapy can bring, allowing you to feel refreshed and revitalised, and ready to engage fully in the day ahead, once again:

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

Hypnotherapy Case Studies

Case studies matter. They provide real-life examples that show you’re not alone and that progress is possible. Each story highlights unique journeys and improvements, demonstrating that while these experiences can guide you, your path will be uniquely yours.

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Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy: Rebuilding Connections and Renewing Purpose

Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy: Rebuilding Connections and Renewing Purpose

Ash had struggled with persistent anxiety and depression for over 15 years, feeling isolated and overwhelmed. Through anxiety and depression hypnother...

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Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: A Path to Balance and Confidence

Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: Navigating the Pressures of Success and Personal Wellbeing

Terri, a senior professional, felt overwhelmed by anxiety and work pressures, leaving her personal life neglected. Through work anxiety hypnotherapy, ...

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Get in touch

I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

Send a message

If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.

insomnia FAQs

I have put together some of the most frequent questions I am asked about hypnotherapy for insomnia and there’s a few self care ideas to help you in the meantime.

My aim is to provide you with clear and straightforward answers to help you feel more confident and informed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

How can I fix my insomnia?

Insomnia (prolonged sleep disturbance) can have you tossing and turning all night, wondering when you’ll finally get some shut-eye. The good news though is that there are steps you can take to help fix your sleep troubles. To start with, sleep hygiene is worth looking at: establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, minimising caffeine or sugar close to bedtime, limiting screen time before bed, these small changes can make a big difference.

But the biggest difference can be by working through your day-to-day stresses that can have a negative impact on your nervous system, and your mind. All the best sleep hygiene in the world cannot promote sleep if there is an overload of worry and concern buzzing around in the mind, so try to make inroads into your concerns, and sleep will begin to return, over time.

What are the common causes of insomnia?

Insomnia can be a real pain, ruining not just your sleep but the day ahead with brain fog, confusion, fatigue, frustration, to name but a few. The causes, however, can often be a real mixed bag. Stress, anxiety, and depression are big culprits, but things like an irregular sleep schedule, too much screen time, and even your mattress can play a role too.

With a little detective work (ideally during those more salient hours), or with guidance from a trained professional, you can usually get to the root of the concerns and get your ZZZs back on track.

Why can’t I sleep even though I know I’m tired?

When you’re feeling absolutely shattered you would expect to get off to sleep in no time at all. But when experiencing insomnia, the second your head hits the pillow your mind starts racing. Sound familiar? Broken sleep is an extremely common issue, and there can be all sorts of reasons behind it. Stress, anxiety, an overactive mind…the list goes on.

The good news is, there are things you can try to get your sleep back on track. Attack those concerns for one and you can begin to reclaim healthier sleep patterns. Try not to leave it too long before you do though – unresolved issues that begin to accumulate, or stretch out to even longer worry times can begin to create frequent sleep issues, developing into insomnia.

Does insomnia ever go away?

The short answer? Yes, insomnia can absolutely go away – but it takes some work. With the right strategies, some solid professional guidance and a little patience, you can overcome those sleepless nights and get back to that deep restorative slumber we all need for our physical and mental health.

Things like establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, limiting screen time before bed, and practicing stress management techniques can make a big difference. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support either – a therapist can assist you through personalised guidance to help you finally get the rest you deserve.

London Hypnotherapy Near Me
Face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions / Hypnotherapy near me
Face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions are always available in my Central London Hypnotherapy Clinic - so no need to ask Google for a 'therapist near me' if a London clinic is your preference... my easily accessible, comfortable and welcoming practice room is just a short step away.
Virtual / Online hypnotherapy sessions
If you're struggling to find therapy with hypnosis in your region, or nothing comes up when you search for 'hypnotherapy near me', then online hypnotherapy sessions may be your perfect solution - what could be more relaxing than the calming influence of hypnosis in the comfort of your own home! Let me tell you more...
Hypnotherapy Online