Health Anxiety Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy in Clerkenwell | Farringdon | King's Cross | Angel
Frequent symptoms of health anxiety:
  • Persistent and excessive worry about having a serious medical condition or illness
  • Frequent checking or monitoring of bodily sensations or symptoms
  • Excessive research on health-related information
  • Preoccupation with seeking reassurance from healthcare professionals
  • Constantly seeking medical tests and evaluations
  • Misinterpretation of normal bodily sensations
  • Avoidance of medical settings or activities that trigger anxiety
  • Impaired daily functioning and quality of life

Health Anxiety Hypnotherapy London

Do you experience persistent, excessive worry about your health? Or perhaps find yourself in the grip of fear regarding the health of others, negatively impacting your work, social life or relationships?

Experiencing the discomfort of health anxiety is a common occurrence that can bring about overwhelming worry and concern. If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone in this struggle.

Often, increased levels of general distress can have the mind wandering into many different irrational thoughts, and health anxiety is one that can have us in a state of constant worry.

Health anxiety hypnotherapy offers a calming path to balanced daily living, allowing you to tackle tasks with a serene mind, more peaceful mind focused on the day ahead.

Nick Bullock


Hi, I’m Nick – I’m a Hypnotherapist and Solution Focused Therapist helping people who struggle with many different concerns and disorders to live a happier, healthier life.

If you’d like to find out if I can help you too, feel free to get in touch at anytime – I run a practice in London and online and you can book a free discovery call with me, today.

How can hypnotherapy for health anxiety help?

Through the power of health anxiety hypnotherapy, my goal is to guide you away from the grip of negative emotions associated with health anxiety and help propel you towards a path of progress, self-improvement, mental and physical stability.

Your individual circumstances demand a tailored approach, and with my knowledge in the field of solution focused, and hypno therapy, I will assist you in shedding the worrying weight of excessive health anxiety, and its accompanying symptoms.

Together, we will pave the way for a happier, calmer version of yourself, leaving behind the burdens of fear and anxiety, so that you can embrace a brighter future.


How hypnotherapy for health anxiety works

Through solution focused hypnotherapy, I will immediately begin to help you focus on shifting your mindset to ‘how you want to be’, enabling you to become ‘problem-free’ in your thinking and focused on improved outcomes.

This subtle shift in your frame of mind will help you seek out a life that you would like to see enhanced, empowering you to embrace a better life, to exercise a more positive mindset, and to move forward with symptom-free days.

What to expect with hypnotherapy for health anxiety

With the practice of health anxiety hypnotherapy, your mind will begin to bed in these changes you would like to see at an accelerated rate, leaving you feeling calm and peaceful, yet keenly focused in the days ahead on your preferred future.

Book a free discovery call
I offer a free, no-obligation phone call to talk through your hopes and needs and go through how I may be able to help.
Please feel free to access my call calendar and book your free discovery phone call online simply and easily today.

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Benefits of health anxiety hypnotherapy

Do you find yourself consumed by overwhelming fear and worry about your health, or constantly on edge, seeking medical reassurance for every ache and pain you’re experiencing? Health anxiety can cast an uncomfortable shadow over daily life, sometimes leading to a increase of obsessive thoughts and behaviours. Through hypnotherapy for health anxiety in London, I help people find a way to reduce any catastrophic levels of thinking in order for sometone to break free from the grip of excessive worry, and to help cultivate a greater sense of calm and balance.

If you’re considering hypnosis therapy for health anxiety in London but you’re uncertain about its effectiveness in easing your health fears, let’s look at the number of benefits hypnotherapy can bring, how it can dissolve the fear-focused thinking that this form of anxiety can raise, and how you can live your life focused on the day-to-day in a more calm and confident way.

Book a consultation therapy session

If you’re ready to jump on board and launch into sessions, you can visit my bookings page and choose the appointment type that works best for you.

Hypnotherapy Case Studies

Case studies matter. They provide real-life examples that show you’re not alone and that progress is possible. Each story highlights unique journeys and improvements, demonstrating that while these experiences can guide you, your path will be uniquely yours.

Work-Related Stress Hypnotherapy: Regaining Control and Restoring Work-Life Balance

Work-Related Stress Hypnotherapy: Regaining Control and Restoring Work-Life Balance

Joe, a self-employed tradesperson, struggled with constant worry, exhaustion, and work-related frustrations. Through work-related stress hypnotherapy,...

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Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy: Rebuilding Connections and Renewing Purpose

Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy: Rebuilding Connections and Renewing Purpose

Ash had struggled with persistent anxiety and depression for over 15 years, feeling isolated and overwhelmed. Through anxiety and depression hypnother...

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Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: A Path to Balance and Confidence

Work Anxiety Hypnotherapy: Navigating the Pressures of Success and Personal Wellbeing

Terri, a senior professional, felt overwhelmed by anxiety and work pressures, leaving her personal life neglected. Through work anxiety hypnotherapy, ...

Read case study

Get in touch

I’m here to help, so please feel free to get in touch at any time, or book your free discovery call.

Send a message

If you'd prefer to email or would like to arrange a phone call, you can send me a message at any time. Please bear with me - I do aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours when possible.

health anxiety FAQs

I have put together some of the most frequent questions I am asked about hypnotherapy for health anxiety and there’s a few self care ideas to help you in the meantime.

My aim is to provide you with clear and straightforward answers to help you feel more confident and informed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.

How do I stop being anxious about my health?
Try to separate controllable aspects of daily life and focus on them. Prioritise sleep, healthy eating, and calming activities. Take things one step at a time.

What is the best therapy for health anxiety?
Therapy that challenges unhelpful beliefs and mindfulness techniques can help manage intrusive thoughts and calm the nervous system.

How to soothe illness anxiety?
Label catastrophic thoughts as stress-induced, focus on facts rather than ‘what-ifs’, engage in enjoyable activities, and seek support from loved ones.

What is the root cause of health anxiety?
Health anxiety often stems from general anxiety, a fear of the unknown, perfectionism, a need for control, and traumatic health experiences. Approach it with self-compassion and seek support.

London Hypnotherapy Near Me
Face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions / Hypnotherapy near me
Face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions are always available in my Central London Hypnotherapy Clinic - so no need to ask Google for a 'therapist near me' if a London clinic is your preference... my easily accessible, comfortable and welcoming practice room is just a short step away.
Virtual / Online hypnotherapy sessions
If you're struggling to find therapy with hypnosis in your region, or nothing comes up when you search for 'hypnotherapy near me', then online hypnotherapy sessions may be your perfect solution - what could be more relaxing than the calming influence of hypnosis in the comfort of your own home! Let me tell you more...
Hypnotherapy Online